Sitio personal de Ariel M. Liguori De Gottig

Friday, March 6

La Ley "Nokia".-

Y si, el poderío económico es hoy en día el que lidera todos los aspectos, inclusive los gubernamentales...

"Nokia may be too big a company for Finland (a country of 5 million people). It seems that Nokia's lobbyists can push an unconstitutional law through the legislature at will. After Nokia was caught red-handed, twice, snooping on its employees (first 2000-2001, second 2005), the company started a relentless lobbying and pressure campaign against politicians to push what the press has been calling 'Lex Nokia' or the 'snooping law.' This proposed law would allow employers to investigate the log data of employees' e-mails, legalizing the kind of snooping that Nokia had engaged in. Parliament's Constitutional Law Committee asked the opinions of eight legal experts, and all opined that the proposed law is unconstitutional. The committee ignored all the advice and declared the proposal constitutional."

Fuente: SlashDot
Llego a mí a través de: Blog de Segu-Info.


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